Last weekend, I popped down to Edinburgh, Husband in tow, to check out Edinburgh Yarn Festival. It seemed rude not to - in the Frozen North, there are not many yarn festivals less than a half-day's drive away. Plus, it's Edinburgh, a city that will always hold a special place in my heart (being where I met said Husband). Overall, I really enjoyed EYF; and looking back, I enjoyed every aspect of it.
The diversity of stalls was great, but not so huge that seeing everything was an impossible task. I saw all my favourite, usual suspect stalls but also got some new ideas for where to get future yarn. I also liked that it was All Fibre - the sewing or card-making parts of my brain were on vacation. Naturally, I got myself some yarn - more on that story later!
The venue was well chosen, plenty of stall space and breakout space. The travel arrangements were simple. The food arrangements were simple - excellent tea & cake in the cafe, and when lunchtime came about we could've used the cafe again or just popped next door to Asda (though we had brought a picnic). It was well-organised, with plenty of venue staff and volunteers to keep things ticking along.

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