
Sunday, 22 March 2015

Edinburgh Yarn Festival 2015

Last weekend, I popped down to Edinburgh, Husband in tow, to check out Edinburgh Yarn Festival. It seemed rude not to - in the Frozen North, there are not many yarn festivals less than a half-day's drive away. Plus, it's Edinburgh, a city that will always hold a special place in my heart  (being where I met said Husband). Overall, I really enjoyed EYF; and looking back, I enjoyed every aspect of it.

The diversity of stalls was great, but not so huge that seeing everything was an impossible task. I saw all my favourite, usual suspect stalls but also got some new ideas for where to get future yarn. I also liked that it was All Fibre - the sewing or card-making parts of my brain were on vacation. Naturally, I got myself some yarn - more on that story later!

The venue was well chosen, plenty of stall space and breakout space. The travel arrangements were simple. The food arrangements were simple - excellent tea & cake in the cafe, and when lunchtime came about we could've used the cafe again or just popped next door to Asda (though we had brought a picnic). It was well-organised, with plenty of venue staff and volunteers to keep things ticking along.

We only attended Saturday, I didn't take any classes, and I didn't take my camera - hence the shoddy quality of these photos, sorry (there are some much better ones on the festival website). I didn't chat to as many people as I perhaps would have, were Husband not also around (it's possible that this will be his one and only Fibre Festival; to paraphrase the subsequent discussion, 'I enjoyed watching you enjoying yourself'). But if I had to summarise in one word: fabulous.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

An Update

It's been rather quiet here lately. This has not been for a lack of knitting exploits; rather, to add to last year's busyness, we bought a flat at the start of December, moved in on New Year's Eve and concluded '2014: The Busiest Year Of My Life' with a celebratory glass of fizz and a debate about which room to redecorate first.

I've just about caught up with myself now, and as such have some brain space available for blogging. I'm hoping to share some properly photographed knitting projects with you soon, possibly along with some home decorating adventures and maybe even a bit of baking. Until then, au revoir!