
Friday, 31 May 2013

Knit the Queue 2013

Back in January, I decided to try to knit my ravelry queue this year. We were at 25 projects, and when I realised I only knitted 19 things in 2012 my heart did sink somewhat. Given that I have quite a busy year going on, I more or less decided that it would be a great way of quickly choosing what to knit next without doing research on ravelry.

First the progress so far: currently in my queue are 13 items. "Great news!", I hear you cry; "it's still May and you're past halfway". I too did this, before the sinking feeling began in my stomach. I've only finished 8 things this year, and extrapolating that means you end up with 19.2 finished items for this year. More than a little short of the target.

I'm trying to comfort myself with the fact that these 8 finished objects include 5 pairs of socks (plus 2 pairs of gloves and 1 hat), and socks are labour-intensive. Plus, all of the 4 things* on the needles (all in the photographs) are more than half finished. Some so very nearly finished, like the purple mittens. However, this is on shaky ground too; I still have two jumpers to finish, one to start, and 5 pairs of socks still in that queue.

Too short - you can see my watch strap :(

This means that the guilt rolls in. I am prone to this, and it takes a lot for me to separate guilt from knitting. After all, it's my hobby, and your hobby should be something you enjoy doing. My coping strategy is going to be to keep my head down, carry on knitting as much as I possibly can, and have another look at the big picture in a few months.

*that 13 in the queue + 8 finished + 4 on the needles = 25 is miraculous. Total fluke though; I suspect some things were deleted from the original 25-item long queue, as I had a couple of things on the needles at the start of the year. Oh well, we will never know what they were and they will not be missed.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're doing amazingly well actually! I haven't finished 8 queue projects yet this year (I just did a quick count up).

    I hope the guilty feeling goes away... After all, you've got 8 amazing projects finished that you really wanted to knit and own and wear and that's as much as 8 more than you might have done! And it isn't even half-way yet.

    it might not assuage the guilt much but I'm impressed.
