
Saturday, 6 April 2013

A little shopping

As I mentioned last week, I was away recently. We had a little cottage in Northumerland - and I would love to show you beautiful pictures of the stunning scenery and vast diversity of wildlife, but I can't. It was freezing cold for most of the week, and only warmed up to allow days out to places where you know you're never more than 500 yards from a cup of tea or bowl of soup.

Fortunately, we did make it as far as Alnwick, and our first stop was Barter Books. It's a huge second-hand bookshop, set in the beautiful old station, and I was in heaven. Sadly, my other half was not really feeling it so I made one quick purchase before we cracked on with our day.

It would seem there is quilting in my future!

After our week away, we drove up to Aberdeen and I managed to find the time to go to the Hobbycraft sale. After all, who can say no to £1/ball sock yarn? Especially in the kind of colours that my female family members seem to like.

I saw that some of the stitching kits were reduced too and, though I didn't take to any of the cross-stitch ones, I did see this:

So there is also long-stitch in my future, another skill to learn! Hopefully this will be made easier by the designs being already drawn on the fabric. But although the colours are so pretty, I am not particularly looking forward to separating them all....

And one final thing I have acquired was a lovely present from Hannah, while she was popping home from her amazing adventure in Hong Kong. There were lots of lovely little bits in this super-cute bag, soon to be repurposed as a project bag:

Thanks Hannah! The sweets fuelled another 500 words of thesis this morning :) Keep in touch and see you soon!

And, dear reader, hopefully see you again soon, when I will be telling you about some things that I have finished. Hopefully - a couple are not quite finished yet....

1 comment:

  1. Ooh yay, I got a mention :-)

    (Sorry just catching up on blogs here!)

    Glad you like the bag and bits, I like very much your hobbycraft purchases!! Oh to have the time to all the crafting we want.... :) xx
